Select & Speak

Privacy-focused bookmarklet to speak any text on a webpage using speech synthesis

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Select & Speak Bookmarklet

A privacy-focused bookmarklet to speak any text on a webpage using speech synthesis


The other night, I found an interesting article, but was feeling too lazy to read it. While searching for a way to have the browser read it aloud, I discovered that most (all?) solutions involve adding yet another browser extension. It turns out that all modern browsers have a built-in library for speech synthesis. This allows anyone to have their browser read any text on any webpage without calling any external services.

How does it look?

Select & Speak Control Overlay

Bookmarklet code

This is equivalent to selectnspeak.min.js shown in this project, with additional escaping for better cross-brower compatibility.


How to Install

Easy Installation

Drag the button below into your browser's bookmarks bar. Click the new bookmark to use. That's it!

Select & Speak

Manual Installation

  1. Create a new bookmark (e.g. bookmark this page)
  2. Right-click the bookmark in your bookmark bar and edit the URL
    • Chrome: Right-click on a bookmark and select "Edit..."
    • Safari: Right-click on a bookmark and select "Edit Address..."
    • Firefox: Right-click on a bookmark and select "Properties". Paste the bookmarklet code in the "Location" input
  3. Copy & paste the bookmarklet code into the URL location, making sure to remove the prior content entirely
  4. Change the bookmark label to "Select & Speak" (optional)

How to Use

  1. Select some text on any webpage, then click the bookmark you just made.
  2. Enjoy!
  3. For fun, try the other available voices on your system